elevate trading with a flexible POS and ecommerce website

You can run the POS on any device. What's more, the built-in e-commerce module brings your products to the internet with just a few clicks. POS and e-commerce are integrated with inventory for seamless stock control.

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Digitalise Selling with ERPNext

point of sales

Storefront Point-of-Sales (POS)

In ERPNext, a POS profile lets you use the Point of Sale feature. The profile is where you can set defaults such as price list, warehouse, branch/location, income account, and payment modes. You can even manage which users can access which POS profiles with one-click configuration.

Quick Stock Balance

Check stock levels of each branch effortlessly. The Quick Stock Balance tool can be used to retrieve an item's current stock quantity and value — in the specified warehouse, on the specified date. The tool can also be used for stock-taking (stock audits) to match the quantity of actual stock in stores and stock logged in the open source POS software.

stock balance view
integrated ecomm

Ecommerce Website

Websites are a crucial component of any business. After all, it’s what the customer sees. ERPNext lets you embed your products onto your website in seconds. With ERPNext, you can update your product catalogue directly from your system, create web pages, write blogs, and deploy your products to the internet so that customers can buy things instantly from your website!

Pricing, Promotion and Bundle

ERPNext makes discounts simple. With promotional schemes, you can manage item discounts (based on rate or set prices) for different retail parties or branches. Promotional schemes will automatically change the applicable pricing rules. When coupled with the bundling feature, there is no limit on how you can price, bundle and sell your product.

customer management

Customer Acquisition and Loyalty

Manage your customers better in no time. It just takes a few minutes to set up loyalty programs and special pricing schemes. You can then maintain credit limits, view receivables and total billing, and analyze average customer revenue to make informed business decisions.

Built in Integration with Your Favourite Apps!